We invite you to check our offer of products for the shipbuilding industry. We design and manufacture marine windows, doors, wipers and special glass constructions for customers all around the world. Ta strona korzysta z plików cookie ("ciasteczka").
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Aluminum systems Home Aluminum joinery Aluminum systems. Bullet-resistant glass ensures suitable resistance to. Ochrona przed hałasem ma znaczący wpływ na nasze zdrowie i. Monika Jarosz Stoppel. Polski producent armatury z żeliwa szarego i sferoidalnego.
Bohamet Marine Supply from ShipServ. Hurtownia włazów, rur i kształtek z tworzyw sztucznych PVC i PE dla instalacji wod - kan. Sprawdź kogo i na jakie stanowisko poszukujemy.
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Ship windows and portholes are approved by major classification societies. Contact the manufacturer directly for a quote.
Producent armatury żeliwnej przemysłowej, kształtek żeliwnych z żeliwa szarego i sferoidalnego do systemów wodno - kanalizacyjnych. Zapraszamy do współpracy! Find their customers, contact information, and details on shipments.
Producent najwyższej jakości armatury wodociągowej, kanalizacyjnej, hydrantów naziemnych i podziemnych,zasuw w wielu różnych typach i wymiarach, nawiertki i opaski IMERA, skrzynki wodne i hydrantowe, kształtki oraz różnego rodzaju włazy i pokrywy teleskopowe. Browse the user profile and get inspired. Join LinkedIn today for free.
They cooperate with many local suppliers as well as European manufacturers. The company is located in Ciele near Bydgoszcz. We are the largest manufacturer of marine windows, portholes, window boxes and doors of various shapes and dimensions, standard and fire-proof structures, windscreen wipers–standard and EX type–and all types of glass, including bulletproof, EMS, RCS.
Thanks to over years of experience, we enjoy a strong market position and recognition among our customers, both in Poland and abroad. One of the flagship products are the window wipers, characterized by high resistance to very tough marine enviroment.
All the products are manufactured only with the highest quality materials along with the engines, supplied by the leading manufacturers in the industry, which ensures trouble-free. BOHAMET specializes in marine production.
We are the world largest manufacturer of ship windows and doors having over years of experience in fabrication and development of new designs. We are able to meet almost any customer requirement, including custom designs and solutions that meet the individual requirements of each design.
It is also specialized in the production of complete portholes for Mega Yachts. In the last years, the production of aluminum elements has been developed in parallel, such as exterior cab doors, both hinged and folding doors, balustrades and. Hugh Schonfiel whose work on the Dead Sea Scrolls is well-known, developed one of the more interesting theories.
Schonfiel who had studied a Jewish cipher called the Atbash cipher, which was used in translating some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, claimed that when one applied the cipher to the word Baphomet, it transposed into the Greek word “Sophia”, which means ” knowledge” and is.
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